Opening hours in Järvsö Bergscykel Park 2024
Date | Liften öppnar | Liften stänger |
Season premiere: 16–19 May (Friday and Saturday 9.30 to 5 pm) | 09.30 | 16.00 (17.00) |
Every day: 24 May–1 September | 09.30 | 16.00 |
Friday-Saturday-Sunday: September and October | 09.30 | 16.00 |
Every day (autumn holidays): 28 October–3 November | 09.00 | 15.00 |
Collecting and returning rented bikes
Rental opens at 08.30.
The bike and gear should be returned no later then 16.30.
The bike should always be returned cleaned. If you rent bikes multiple days, you collect the bike each morning. During autumn holidays Oct 28-Nov 3: 09.00-15.00.
Weather guarantee 2024
Our unique opening hours during the season results in our weather guarantee.
Valid between the dates of the 16th of May to the 3rd of November 2024.
Should the park be closed because of the weather and you choose to cancel your trip, you will get a refund for bike rental, JBP Hotel, bikepass etc.