Directions to Järvsö Bergscykel Park
Vallmovägen 20
827 51 JÄRVSÖ
Travelling by car from Stockholm
- It takes about 3 hours by car from Stockholm.
- Travel on the E4 until Tönnebro, about 50 km north of Gävle. From Tönnebro, travel on road 83 to Järvsö.
Getting here by train
- Atlantbanan, Stockholm, Järvsö, Trondheim, stops at Järvsö railway station every day.
- "X-Tåget", a commuter train from Gävle, stops at Järvsö railway station multiple times each day.
From Stockholm and Uppsala you can book bus named "Härjedalingen" every day.
Take the plane to Arlanda - travel by rental car, bus or train the rest of the way. It takes about 2,5 hours between Arlanda and Järvsö.